I have never tried my hand at baking rice. This is my first attempt and I should say, I am already falling for it. I just loved the idea of baking cooked rice, with different flavors and topping it off with cheese. Cheese is my all time favorite and I wont even have second thoughts if the dish has cheese. This is a very easy dish and yet very tasty. Its like a comfort food for me now, which can cheer me up and make me happy. This recipe can be adapted to any vegetable (whichever goes well with rice). Today, I only had corn with me. This works well with mushrooms, capsicum, green peas, potato. Non veg lovers can try this with chicken too. Here is the recipe now.
- Sweet corn - 1 cup
- Basmati Rice - ½ cup
- Water - 1 cup
- Milk - ½ cup
- Salt - as req
- Chopped onions - 2 tbsp
- Chili flakes - 1 tbsp
- Oregano spice mix - 1 tsp
- Ginger garlic paste - 1 tsp
- Oil - 2 tsp
- Cheese - as required
- Heat oil in a pan and add onions. Fry until golden brown.
- Quickly saute the ginger garlic paste and add the sweetcorn.
- Once the sweetcorn is half done, add the washed rice and fry it for 3-4 mins.
- Add chili flakes, oregano mix and give another stir.
- Add the water and milk and bring it boil. Add Salt.
- Cover it for 5-10 mins until the rice cooks.
- Once the rice is done, transfer it to a baking dish and to it off with cheese of your choice.
- Preheat oven at 180 deg C for 10 mins and bake the rice for 20-30 mins
- Keep it on grill mode for 5 mins to have a crusty cheese top.
- The rice is crispy and combines really well with cheese. Serve hot.
This looks tempting n simple!
Yes it is 🙂